Sunday, May 27, 2007

Text Me

Welcome to Text Me Some Apple Pie, where baby boomers take on--or should I say, navigate, collide with, interact, or adapt to--the twenty-first century. I never thought of myself as someone who'd become an "old-timer" like grandpa. I vowed I'd always keep one foot planted in current trends and pop culture.

Naturally, I was raised with a black and white TV, without a remote, without a TV in my bedroom. A bedroom I shared with one of my sisters. We baby boomers were not raised with video games or flickering colored television screens. We had no CNN to watch war as it exploded before our eyes. We had three TV networks--ABC, CBS and NBC--that didn't notify us when children went missing.

We had one telephone mounted on the wall. For awhile we had a party line, an obsolete technology that disappeared with Tyrannosaurus Rex. Cordless or cell phones went beyond our imaginations. I had no cell phone or iPod to keep me company as I walked to school both ways uphill in the snow. Oh, wait. That was my parents' generation that did all that walking.

My generation has adapted gradually to the techie age. I read a book on how to blog that is five years old and already out of date. We've gone from music turntables that played 38s, 45s (singles) and finally LPs. Then came 8-track tapes, cassette tapes, CDs, iPods, and every time I update my music, a new technology outdates my collection.

In many ways I embrace change. I love getting text messages. I'm a techie nerd. I have a Myspace page, an iPod, a cell phone, and I'm in love with my digital camera, my fifth camera. In future blogs I will post photos I've taken, and I will describe the features on my camera.

I have read that narrowing my focus can make a good blog better. can do. I've decided to write what comes naturally to me. On some days I find myself in bitch mode. (I use the word "bitch" as a verb, not as a noun.)

I have special topics for my soapbox, like the greedy pharma companies. We once had a family doctor, instead of twelve different specialists, and our lives were not controlled by legal pill pushers and medical insurance providers. I will address dis-ease that allopathic medicine can only medicate but not fix. We need a paradigm shift in our view of medical practice in this "civilized" world.

Another topic that needs to shift is the lack of role models who influence our young girls. I'm tired of hearing about half-naked rich girls who get arrested or shave their heads or forget their wear their under panties. We should expect better. We are honoring bad behavior. We are enabling bad behavior.

I wish Oprah or maybe Tyra would create a substantial award--with money and clout--for deserving young women who demonstrate character and strength. Although I have no award money myself--at this time--I will feature women in this blog who deserve admiration.

As I alluded to in my opening sentence, I'm still looking for the ideal word to describe how I take on life in our current society. Do I conquer, acquiesce to, live harmoniously with, prevail in the twenty-first century? My subtitle may be tweaked from time to time.

I look forward to receiving feedback. If you haven't figured out how to text me, please go ahead and send me some pie.


Anonymous said...

Hello Marsha,

Yes, I like those text me some applie pie blog.

It is good to read how we have progress from a dial phone to cell phone. It does show how much we have learn and still capable of learning.

I am waiting to read more.


Mama Mia said...

Enjoy your take on things, Marsha. And i didn't just share a room with my sister, we chared a double bed. Hard to imagine that now...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Can't wait to read more!
