Ziglar suggests reading motivational books and listening to audiotapes as a regular routine. I have taken his advice. I believe what he says. I am happier when I surround myself with happy people. I avoid naysayers. We all have difficulties in life. It is the inner workings of the mind--or what we think about each day--that determines whether or not we are happy.
As someone who has benefitted from positive messages, I will take all the good stuff I can get. The Secret presents positive thinking with a new spin that gives me a deeper understanding. I have the four-CD unabridged audio version of the book. I don’t have time to reread the book, but I have played the CDs several times in my car. I still have light-bulb moments.
The central theme of The Secret is that like attracts like. We reap what we think about. Thoughts are powerful. Positive thoughts have more power than negative ones. If we believe in something, we can make it happen.
Some people object to The Secret, but its principles follow the teachings of Jesus, minus the Christian element. Ask and you shall receive. Is this idea only for Christians? Does it only work if you pray through Jesus?
Having faith, belief, or hope always improves my own life. If I’m filled with hope, my life is already improved during that minute, during that hour, or during that day when I feel hopeful. When I feel hopeful, I notice goodness around me. How can thinking this way possibly hurt me?
Besides changing our thoughts and feelings, The Secret is about the vibration that we emit into the universe with each thought. And we attract this same vibration back to us.
Critics of The Secret are bothered by its focus on material possessions. Why? Is something wrong with money? Gratitude and giving are emphasized more. Money satisfies no one, unless they have gratitude. Others take issue with the book’s ideas about illness. Sometimes attitude makes a big difference in our health. I think everyone has made this observation. Should we blame ourselves if we are dying of a terminal disease? Of course not. My personal view is that the lessons that I’m here on earth to learn--including those in The Secret--expand my soul and help me cope with death more easily. I have had to face my mortality more than once. I have earned this opinion.
The Secret is a gift for anyone who wants to receive it. My advice is to take what you can learn from reading the book, listening to the CD or watching the DVD. Each time I play the CD, I hear something new. I grow a little. I feel happy. I feel hopeful.
I suggest that everyone take this message and use what you can. Here is something from The Secret to try: If your marriage is unhappy, make a list of all your spouse’s good qualities. This might take some thinking. Peel away your partner’s defensive facade and remember the reasons you fell in love. Review your list each night before bed. Do this for a week. Be focused and committed for one week. Something great will happen.
The way to understand the principles of Rhonda Byrne and the other contributors is to take their suggestions. Just try. Make that list. If you humor me, and focus your mind and energy on just this one exercise, you will find that the law of attraction is working. Take what you can use from this book, and leave the rest. Use prayer with these principles, if you wish, to honor God while you honor yourself. But be careful. You may have to adapt to getting what you want and wanting what you get.
Hi Marsha! This is a great blog. Your encouragement to others to "just try" is the best I have heard. It is soft and inviting and I think it will fall on many ears who want to hear it. Hope all is well and your summer is getting off to a wonderful start. This is my favorite time of year...so much expectation. Maybe it goes back to being a kid and getting out of school for the summer. Instead of getting out though, this summer I will be getting in (yoga teacher training). It will be an adventure to learn to teach as I am the shy "back of the room" sort of girl. Prayers appreciated!!!
I enjoyed watching the secret on dvd. I am one of those people though that had a problem with so much emphasis being placed on material things.
After reading your blog and thoughts about this issue I have a better understanding and see that you cant have money without gratitude and vice versa. This puts a whole differant spin to it and gives it more substance.
Thanks for sharing your opinion and thoughts about the secret. I love "positive" and the feelings we get from it.
Couldn't disagree with The Secret more...! Practiced this throughout my marriage and think it's akin to denial. My perception didn't create a new reality--reality was still reality.
And philosophically speaking, taking the laws of attraction seriously would mean that women who get raped "attracted" the rape.
Think the difference between The Secret and Christianity(as well as other religions) is that Christianity emphazises kindness to others, other-centeredness and love. Have found in my life that love is always the answer no matter what the question.
But I like the way you write and appreciate that your blog is an open format and encourages debate.
Looking forward to what you'll write next!
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