Where did the feminist movement go? When I was a young woman, the movement emphasized who we were on the inside. Our intelligence and determination took precedence over beauty, at least in the workplace. Showing some cleavage to get promoted was nothing I’d ever consider.
Have women made progress since then? Yes and no.
The tacky adventures of blonde celebrities infiltrates not only entertainment news, but network news as well. Attending parties. Driving drunk. Checking into rehab. Leaving rehab early. Serving jail time. Spending money. Dating someone new. Spending more money. Making a sex video. What?
I want some better role models for our nation’s young girls.
Enter Elisabeth Hasselbeck who turned 30 today. Happy Birthday, Elisabeth. Thank you for being a strong woman.
Before co-hosting The View, Elisabeth made it to the final four on Survivor: The Australian Outback. She completed the Boston Marathon in 1999, the same year she graduated from Boston College. She has worked with the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Habitat for Humanity, and several other charity foundations. You can read more about her accomplishments at Wikipedia and at The Views Bios.
On a more personal note, Elisabeth is a wife, mother, and she is expecting a baby. She has Celiac Disease and can eat no wheat or gluten. Have you tried omitting wheat from your diet?
Before writing about last week’s unraveling at The View, I wanted to approach the subject without putting emphasis where it doesn’t belong. I enjoy the show. A half hour of Hot Topics rescues me from writer’s block. Since Barbara hasn’t asked me to co-host yet, I will put my two cents here.
Elisabeth is one smart, tough cookie. Anyone who speaks otherwise is a fool. She has held her ground all season, stating her conservative views, while the other women talked over her. Note: Women often talk over each other; it’s a cultural thing, but it doesn’t make for good TV. Barbara says she cringes when she watches the program from home.
One day on The View, the ladies discussed Christy Brinkley’s pending divorce. The conversation evolved--or digressed--to the subject of cheating. To my chagrin, Barbara, Rosie, and Joy took a lax position on adultery. All three of them thought cheating husbands (or wives) could still be good parents, while I yelled at the TV, waiting for someone to expect more from their partner. If children learn from example, how can cheating be tolerated?
Would you like to see a young woman with COURAGE step forward, when everyone else is jumping down her throat?
You can see the clip here.
This is why I love Elisabeth.
I often disagree with her conservative politics, and I do not share her position on abortion or the war, for that matter. What I do share--I would hope--is respect for myself and determination to stick to my convictions.
I have admired Rosie for years, and the fight between her and Elisabeth saddens me. No, I’m not posting the clip here. I would like to see Rosie take a step back and ask herself why people are criticizing her. She has perhaps let her passion turn into anger. Whether she means to or not, she is putting negative energy out there, and negative energy is like a boomerang that always comes back.
I am on a campaign to honor women who honor themselves. We need better role models for our young girls (and boys). I nominate Elisabeth.
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Here, here. I totally agree. Girls need smart, educated & loving role models. Elisabeth is all of those. Why do the other cohosts have such a problem with a differing view anyway??? Women should support one another. That's why the cheating thing bugs me so much...where's the support?
The reason the other women on the view don't support her is because she is always fighting other peoples ideas and trying to say that hers are right. Why do you think the other members are always arguing with her? She also has a strong bias against Democrats. Thats why she made that comment about obamas wife.
People don't always support Elisabeth because she can come across as extremely conservative and ignorant. That is the problem, sometimes her opinions are not based on any facts or common sense even.
I posted this blog on Elisabeth almost two years ago. I still like her, but she annoys me sometimes. I have to admit that I avoid The View these days because the other panel members say such stupid things. Plus, they continually stammer and talk at the same time; this does not make for an entertaining show (for me).
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