Sunday, June 3, 2007

No Extended Warranty for Me

Can you see Google ads on this page? I cannot see them. I don’t know why. While using the Adsense Troubleshooting Wizard, I probably tore out half my hair. At this point I've cleared my browser cache and deleted my cookies. I decide to print some instructions that a Google rep has sent me.

Oh, good grief. Why is my printer only using red ink? I recently changed the cartridges. One of the problems with red ink, besides being hard on the eyes, is that the pages are blank wherever black ink or any other color of ink should appear. Oh, cripes. I’ve now had to detour from the Google issue, which was a detour from writing. Why did I think I could write a blog each day?

I change the black cartridge, even though I’m pretty sure the old one is full. I print. Still, red ink only. I look in my stack of unfiled computer stuff and find my Epson C86 manual. I check the troubleshooting section in the back of the book. My particular problem is not listed.

I go to the Epson site and install the most current driver. That doesn’t help.

I go through the Windows XP Troubleshooter. No paper jams. No connection issues.

By now I’m surrounded by messy mounds of partially printed computer paper, and I can feel physical signs of anxiety. I’m sweating. My heart is racing. I have a headache. I am buggin’.

I know that fixing this little printer--which is over two years old--will cost more than buying a new one. I check Costco online. None of their current deals speak to me. Off I go to Target, the place I normally go to unload money. But they have a poor selection of printers. Office Depot has a long row, with printers on both sides of the aisle. I see that laser printers have come down in price. Make no mistake. We are all getting gouged with the price of the cartridges. Did you know you can now print labels directly onto your CDs and DVDs? I want to print labels directly to my CDs and DVDs, but I don’t need the added expense.

I look for something small that I can move from room to room with my laptop. I see an Epson C88. It is almost the same as my C86. Yippee! The cartridges look the same. It looks like I can use my inventory of cartridges.

I decide on the Epson C86 for $80. I don’t need a shopping cart. I carry it to the checkout stand. By now I’m mentally fatigued from a day of troubleshooting. I fumble with my purse and wallet. I can’t seem to access my credit cards and money without letting valuables hang out of my purse. But this is a different subject begging for a future blog.

As I fumble around, the cashier asks me if I want an extended warranty for only $15. I say, “No thanks.”

She tells me that Office Depot will only honor returns for 14 days, and anything could go wrong with my printer after that. $15 is almost a fifth of the cost. Why would I spend this money? Doesn’t she know that if I’m going to unload money for no reason, I do it at Target?

She is in essence telling me that the product this fine store carries may be a piece of sh*t. Otherwise, why would I need an extended warranty? Don’t products speak for themselves anymore?

I’m more than annoyed. I’ve already said no. Yet, she is still talking. Here comes another blog topic. I do not feel good when I speak and my wishes are ignored. Is everyone my age treated this way? Do younger people all lack manners? Well, yes and yes.

I ignore this woman as she continues her spew. I say, “What’s the total?” as if she hasn’t been talking to me. She doesn’t realize how tempted I am to laugh in her face. I still have a Google problem to resolve when I get home. I’m not interested in what commission she earns. She says eighty something, and I slide my magic card–-magic until I get the bill. By now she’s chatting with a coworker as she hands me my receipt and I leave.

In case you haven’t figured it out, this blog is about extended warranties, mostly. I’ve had them with computers. I don’t like them.

My warranty with Gateway was a joke. Shortly after I bought my previous laptop and extended warranty, Gateway closed their stores. When my laptop malfunctioned, I told them what the problem was. Gateway ignored my written comments. I had to mail my laptop to them three times before they fixed it. I now have a Dell XPS.

I get home with my new printer. It is easy to set up. Just like my C86, except....

Would you believe that my old cartridges do not fit?


Anonymous said...

Hi Marsha,

Rule 1067 in my Life Manual says

"Extended warranties run out two days before your gadget breaks down"

Rule 3089 says

"Selling warranties is just a way to make you feel insecure"

Rule 4789 says

"Extended warranties are just a way to part you from more money"

Cool blog!

Anonymous said...

The Google ads are showing up right now for this FireFox browser. Thermal printers, printer ribbons, how to get rich, and CD/DVD duplication. At least Google is reading your new blog!

"When I was a kid", you could fix things that broke; now, it's easier to just toss the bastiges. Remember when "made in Japan" was an insult to both the seller and the buyer?